Fifty Shades of a Grey Nursery

It’s no secret that I love to decorate.  When I moved in with McHubby and he told me I could basically do whatever I wanted (within reason) in terms of the decor I was like a kid in a candy shop.  So, having the opportunity to decorate a nursery got me incredibly hyped up! It was always kind of funny to me how many people would ask us how we would decorate the nursery when we told them we wouldn’t be finding out the gender of McBaby.  Easy, I said! A grey gender neutral theme with elephants, giraffes, and a few touches of teal.  I could not be happier with how it turned out.  Here are some pics!
image2 (4) B's Nursery
We went with a Sherwin Williams color called “online grey” with three walls solid and one awesome striped wall painted by my brother, Drew. (It sure does help having a union painter in the fam!)
The crib and dresser are from  Darvin Furniture– can I get a hell ya for 75% off?
The rug I ordered off of Rugs USA (I was really worried about the quality of it, but it’s nice and plush and easy to vacuum)
Alphabet WallAlphabet Wall
The alphabet wall is my favorite part of the entire nursery. I looked high and low for a complete set of letters from a craft store, but kept coming up with all but one or two letters.  So I turned to Etsy and found this awesome listing for a set of Wooden Letters – Find them here! A few cans of spray paint, McHubby’s help, and a whole lot of command strips later the Alpha Wall was complete!
I found these shelves at Target. The fact that they are two different kinds was pure accident. They didn’t have two of either kind so because I’m the kind of person that needs to see my vision come to fruition immediately I had to just buy one of each.  I really like how it turned out, though! The piggie bank was a gift from a co-worker and the elephant is from Hobby Lobby.
It’s kind of hard to tell from the picture, but this is a children’s size chair.  Yes, it has a cup holder AND reclines! This was one of my best finds from Home Goods ever. The elephant is made by Jellycat (if you aren’t familiar check out their plush toys, they are awesome!) This was a gift from our dear friends Bridget and Kerry.  The beautiful doll was another gift from a co-worker and is from Pottery Barn Kids
Reading Nook
Do you think B has enough books? She will soon discover she will be forced to be a reading nerd like Mom and Dad! The bookcase was mine from childhood and my Dad helped to bring it back to life by sanding it down and spray painting it with the same teal color as the alpha wall.  The overflow basket and lamp are from Target and the lamp shade is from Hobby Lobby. And, yup, those are mine and McHubby’s baby pics adorning the top 🙂
Maternity PicsInitial
I couldn’t help myself after we had B – I had to add just a few touches of pink into the nursery. The letter B is from Hobby Lobby, but originally came in a black finish.  I bought some pink glittery spray paint because, frankly, every girl needs some glitter in her life! The ballerina bow holder is also from Hobby Lobby.
Toy Basket: Target
Giraffe Wall Cling: Buy Buy Baby
Maternity Photo Cred: Gina Whalen Photography (if you live in the area, check out Gina- she is amazing!)
Cards from Shower
I made this piece from all the sweet cards we got at the baby shower.  I used an elephant punch I got from the Martha Stewart line by Michaels to get the elephant shape. I simply arranged and glued (with a glue stick -old school!) to the paper and placed in the frame.  I like having a piece in the nursery that is a bit sentimental and not cookie-cutter/store-bought.
Wall Decor
Wall Decor: Hobby Lobby
I did A LOT of research to find a good deal on a glider.  Why are they so darn expensive???
I am really happy with the one we ended up buying, though.  It’s from Simply Baby Furniture
I am always hesitant about buying big purchases online, but this was a good buy.
I LOVE the Elephant Plush Play Mat you see in the pic, too.  It’s from Pottery Barn as well.

So there you have it – that’s B’s Nursery! Where have you discovered great finds for your nursery?

Dog Shame on Me

Archie Bobo
Anyone who has a dog or a pet can understand that a pet is truly a part of the family.  When we first adopted Archie from a shelter almost three years ago I didn’t know I could love an animal at the level in which I do. I can’t imagine the difficult road he travelled to end up at the shelter, and my heart hurts to think about anyone ever being mean to such a sweet boy.  I promised him when we brought him home that he would always be loved and cared for.  Lately, though, some things have changed and I know he doesn’t fully understand why.  I vowed I would never be one of those people who stopped walking, playing with, and cuddling with my first ever baby when the new peanut arrived.  It made me sad to see that happen to so many beloved pets.  I’m so sorry to say it has happened…

I’m sure many of you have seen all of those dog shaming photos littered all over the internet, right?
Here are a few of my personal faves:
Dog Shaming 1 Dog Shaming 2 Dog Shaming 3
As cute as those pics are, it reminds me that I’m the one who should feel ashamed.
To my good boy, Archie “Bobo”,
I owe you an apology.  I haven’t been the best doggie Mom to you lately.  Throughout my pregnancy you were the best companion.  You rested your head on my belly and cuddled with me on the couch, but recently things have changed.  I have been yelling at you a lot more lately.  All of the little vices you had before seem to be amplified at the moment and I haven’t been very patient with you.  When you lick, jump up, or bark I get so mad at you without giving you credit for being an awesome big doggie bro to Blair.  I know you don’t understand why she gets to go with us any time we leave the house and you have to stay behind.  I know you are confused why anytime you want to see what she is up to and give her a kiss we push you away.  I know you are hurt now that my cute doggie voice is now my cute baby voice that I use to talk to Blair.  I know you want to come with when I take her for a walk and don’t get that right now it’s just too much for me to try to take you both.  I know it baffles you that all the new fun items in our house that rattle and squeak are not your toys and that you get in big trouble when you try to play with them. I know that my #archiebobo posts have seem to become a thing of the past.  I know you are feeling sad.  I can see it in your eyes. I can sense it in your body language.  For all of this I am sorry.  I will try to be better.  I will make an effort to include you more.  I will do my best to play tug of war with your rope and throw you your ball. Daddy and I will take you on walks as much as we can.
Archie and Blair

Yes things have changed, but I have a new promise today.   You may not realize it now, but one day Blair will become your best friend.  She will rush home to see you.  She will dress you up and annoy the heck out of you, but she will love so much your heart will burst.  She will let you protect her, she will talk to you, and cry to you.  She will get into all kinds of trouble with you!  She will be your best friend, your ally, your little sister, and your first baby, too. Hang in there Bobo.  Although the world around you has changed, our love for you will always remain.  You will always be the first baby I have ever loved.

What tips do you have about including your pet and transitioning with a new baby around?

The First Rule about Mommy Clubs is…

      That no one talks about Mommy Clubs (enough)! You know how everyone says motherhood is an exclusive club? Well, I never realized there are ACTUAL clubs for moms. Almost immediately after giving birth to Blair and announcing it on social media (it’s not real until you do that, right?) I was added to a few different Mommy Groups on facebook. It was like I was being allowed into a secret society that I never even knew existed. People I never would have expected added me to the groups. It was like a subtle message of we may not be all that close these days, but I am here as well as all these other moms to support you.
Mom Support Groups
I often hear people talk about how they hate living in a world with social media, but these Mommy groups are the perfect example of why Facebook can be such an incredible resource. The women in the group are encouraging, supportive, and knowledgeable. There are no judgments or criticisms, just moms sharing their experiences and offering advice to those who need it. There is no question too silly or comment too long, and basically no topic off limits. Nasty rashes, potty training, breast-feeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, fun activities for kids are just a few post examples. While I have mostly been a silent observer I have found myself on several occasions thinking ‘yeah I’ve been wondering that, too’.
The aha moment for me came when someone posted about failing her first glucose test. She was worried that she wouldn’t pass the five-hour one and was looking for some feedback. I had gone through the exact same experience only a few months earlier. All of my close girl friends with kids (who I bother incessantly with questions – thanks Erin and Ashley!) had passed on the first go. Worried was an understatement. I had never failed a test in my life! In the end everything turned out fine and I passed with flying colors the second go. (And, the orange drink is actually good – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!). It felt good to offer advice and encouragement to someone with similar worries and fears. After that I paid it forward by adding a few of my new mommy or soon-to-be mommy friends to the groups.
I cannot say enough good things about these positive groups and the women who are a part of them. This is social media done right. I only wish I knew about these groups sooner!
What groups or resources have you found essential as a new Mom? Fill me in!


Hello World!

Welcome to my blog! As I enter motherhood there are just so many ‘feels’.  There is so much I want to share and talk about as I go through this journey.  I also want to do my best to maintain who I am and what’s important to me in life.  I’ll discuss teaching, crafting, and of course being a new mommy.  I know life will change (it already has), but I hope this blog will help me to be the best version of myself as possible.  Be forewarned that I plan to vent, celebrate, and everything in between.  I hope you will come along for the ride!
Thank you for all of the support and love,
